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-Rocket likes warm weather, but it is not a fan

of hot summer sun, so keep in partial shade

during mid-summer sun.

-They can be sown really close together so makes

a perfect whole filler crop

- In the summer they are very quick to bolt. To prevent

this make sure to water well especially if growing in


- It will appreciate fertile soil.


Sowing and Growing

- Make sure the soil temperature is above 7C before planting.         

- Plant in the greenhouse in April.

- I highly recommend sowing direct rather than in modules, transplanting such a large volume of plants can be very time consuming.

- May is my favourite time to plant out direct. 

- If you want a cluster of cut and come again then scatter seeds in a block.

- If you would like to harvest the whole rocket plant then thin the seedlings to 15cm apart, to allow space for the plant to fully develop.

- Make sure to water regularly especially during hot summer periods to prevent bolting.

- It is also worth offering some shade in midsummer. 

- Protect autumn sowings from frosts with a frost fleece.



- Normal time from sowing to harvest is six to eight weeks.

- You can trim the leaves with sharp scissors to utilise the cut and come again method or harvesting. This method is best when the leaves are around 15cm.

- You can also harvest the whole plant.

- If your rocket has bolted, do not worry as the flowers are edible. 

- Most salads and leaf crops such as spinach, lettuce, Swiss Chard, endive, chicory and pak choi are all grown in very similar ways, so can all be grown in one giant salad vegetable bed.



- Rocket Apollo

-Rocket Voyager 

-Rocket Astra (bolt resistant)


-Mustard red giant (while technically not a rocket, its leaves are very attractive with a lovely taste similar to horse radish)

Rocket Salad
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